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  • - $495
    Get access to every video & lesson for 1 low price. Our masters plan is normally $595 per year but we are for a limited time only lifetime access for only $495. If you have multiple users / seats that you need please contact us for special pricing.
    Up to 25 seats
    - $2640 / Year
    Our enterprise plan at a 12% discount for registering for a full year.
    Up to 500 seats
    - $49 / Month
    Our masters plan is $49 per month. Each additional seat / user is only $5 per month. if you have more than 25 users / seats that you need please contact us for special pricing.
    Up to 25 seats
    - $250 / Month
    Our Enterprise plan is $250 per month. Each additional seat / user is only an additional $10 per month. If you have custom needs or would like a demo please contact us.
    Up to 500 seats
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